Title: I would trade literally any upcoming game to get a new Bethesda Game Studios game this year
Reason: User Banned (2 Weeks): Continual toxic and inflammatory remarks towards the community, long history of similar behaviour.
Love the part where you ignored the other parts of my post and cherry-picked the one you could actually argue against (or attempt to argue against with your completely pointless anecdote) People (as in the general gaming audience) like BGS games. This is, like, . That fact that no-fun nerds with no lives on internet forums have an axe to grind against Bethesda for incomprehensible reasons inside their echo chambers where they delude themselves into thinking John Dudebro gives a damn if Morrowind has "more roleplaying" than Skyrim (hint: he doesn't give a shit) is utterly irrelevant.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/7772310/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/hzila