Title: Former Naughty Dog Employee Named in Sexual Harassment Claim
Reason: User Banned (1 Day): Inappropriate commentary - threads about sexual harassment are not a place to air personal grievances about a video game.
Cogburn was a trash developer anyway. He ruined one of the best multiplayer games on the market. Uncharted 2 was amazing and had a very dedicated community. Then Cogburn ruined Uncharted 3 with all the casual BS thrown into the game. After he got ripped for it, he claimed Uncharted 4 would be much more like what fans of 2 would want. In the end, he basically took a mod of Uncharted 3 MP and fused it with TLoU MP and Destiny (why do grenades recharge in an Uncharted game?) to make Uncharted 4 MP. Those of us that loved UC2 MP kept giving NaughtyDog feedback throughout the years. Time and time again we would complain about the same issues, only to have Cogburn spit in our faces. Some of my favorite gaming memories were playing UC2 MP back in high school. Some of my most aggravating gaming memories were playing UC3 MP. And some of the most boring times I've had gaming have been playing UC4 MP. It really says something about how Cogburn viewed us fans, when our #1 requested feature on forums for Uncharted 4 was to have a classic mode, and instead, months later he gives us Kill Confirmed. At some point he eventually gave us a beta for a classic mode that was only available a certain time, and after that I just stopped caring about UC4 MP. It's such a shame that UC4 has one of the best story modes ever in a game, but the MP was so average. Maybe Cogburn should have listened to us fans and the MP wouldn't have died 1 month after release...
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/7772341/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/e9r2v