Title: Former Naughty Dog Employee Named in Sexual Harassment Claim
Reason: User Warned: System Wars
I agree there is no need for victim blaming, but then at the same time these sorts of allegations are extremely serious and and can literally ruin peoples lives. I think we should all cool it with the judgements until an investigation is complete (I have a strong feeling there would be an investigation happening, especially as names have been dropped publicly now) and until we know all the details. Also it's pretty disgusting to see some of the usual crowd jumping on this issue to further push their own anti-Sony narrative. I would hope those sorts of posts would be moderated especially considering the seriousness of the topic, but it doesn't appear to be happening which is honestly sad to see.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/7788901/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/CEnZq