Title: Dark Souls Remastered Network Test Playable Now!
Reason: User warned: system wars, rhetoric disrespectful to developers.
There is zero, none 0% reason why any game should perform and look worse on the X over the Pro. At the very least with lazy development you would get the same on both platforms. But having it be worse on the X, a machine with much more power, is an utterly stupid thing that only ever seems to happen with Japanese devs or games. Theres zero reason this game should be anything less than 4k. Hell even the PS4 Pro should be able to do it in 4k. Also, that Parallax Occlusion Mapping looks right out of launch 360 titles. Are we sure it wasn't there then too? Because if that's a new addition, I think we found the reason why the X is behind the Pro... *cough* devs *cough*
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/7792285/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/Ay3X2