Title: Frostpunk arrives on the Microsoft Store (Windows 10)
Reason: User warned: system wars rhetoric
Yeah, I'm getting an interview @ E3 and I'll pose this very question. I'll take UWP over Win32 any day purely because window management is standardized and easy, and I don't really care about mods (not that a UWP game can't be built to receive mods, but it requires extra developer input), or Steam. I haven't found a third-party window wrapper that wasn't terrible. Getting Stellaris to scale properly in window mode is a nightmare. As much as PC gamers seem to want to hate it, people who actively follow Microsoft know that UWP isn't going away. Hundreds of Win32 APIs are hitting UWP every year, and Win32 will eventually be phased out. I get that it's super kewl to hate the big meanie M$FT tho.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/7855983/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/lDl4x