Title: Horrible neighbor won’t give owners contact info
Reason: User banned (3 days): inflammatory/classist rhetoric (wishing death on poor people)
And it’s the owner that will get the fine if they call the city/county code enforcement. We got a warning about grass once when we were out of town for 10+ days and got sick after getting back and couldn’t mow for a week. Owner got a copy of it. In my experience, rental houses that include lawn service are very few and far between and tend to just be higher rent houses, often with HOAs and the owners just pay for service to both attract high income tenants and to not worry about generating problems for them with the HOA. Most rental houses the yard work is on the tenants—it has been for us everywhere we’ve rented a home (and again we saw very few listings with lawn service included). In any case, the neighbors were we lived who regularly had overgrown lawns were definitley trashy. Constant noise, fights, arguments, cops showing up at their houses etc. Again, talking just of the people that didn’t maintain their property at all, not just people who let it get overgrown for a week or two here and there. In any case, the OP said he had no issues with the neighbors when the owner lived there. So if that owner was taking care of the lawn (themselves or including a lawn service in the rent) it would be taken care of. So it’s pretty clear it’s on the tenants and their just not maintaining the property themselves. It sucks living next to a place that’s not being taken care of, especially when it’s directly impacting your property like in the OPs case with weeds pulling the fence down. I’d 100% call the city/county code enforcement about it. Fuck trashy poor people. Can go die in a fucking fire for all I care.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/7893315/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/GUTdW