Title: Black woman removed from United flight for 'pungent' complaint by white man that took her seat
Reason: Member banned (3 days): Rudely trying to shut down discussion of possible discrimination after previous warning.
Oh give it up, it was plainly obvious I wasnt defending the airline nor the "white dude". I was merely commenting on the insanity of taking a small one sided snippet of info and then extrapolating as far as you people did. If anything it just speaks to the apparent preconcieved biases you people have. For all anyone knows it couldve played out the way it did but as others have stated, something is off with this story. I just tend to err on the side of logical, fact based conclusions rather than joining the hive mind of anger. I read stuff like this... And it just sounds ridiculous. You are GOD damn sure she didn't smell? How could you even know something like that unless you were there? (Not like her smelling bad is ok for him to act that way) But uh hey, I guess I can join the circle jerk if it will make you happy? Grr fuck that white guy! His whiteness and privilege and stuff made that woman leave the plane? Ugh fuck white people amirite? And fuck United because they aren't saying anything so they must like TOTALLY be into that guys racism amirite?
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/7911146/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/Aksl9