Title: 52 dead, 2238 wounded in Gaza today (worst day since 2014 Gaza war) [UPDATED]
Reason: User Banned (5 Days): Do not invoke Nazi comparisons in this topic. Many other analogies are available to you.
"Guys, don't compare this THIS genocidal expansionist ethnostate to THAT genocidal expansionist ethnostate, that's offensive and hyperbolic." Israel is absolutely a white colonialist terrorist nation. They want to expand in size and power via ethnic cleansing, just like European colonizers did (to great success) here in America. Who exactly do you think Hitler's inspiration was in his bid to become a superpower? And, in turn, who do you think is inspiring Israeli policy towards Palestinians now? It's all the same god damn playbook. They also possess 100-200 thermonuclear warheads and the latest greatest missile technology that our tax money can buy. They are already the rogue nuclear power in the middle east that we shit ourselves over Iran maybe possibly becoming years from now. At this point I honestly think that the main reason Netanyahu doesn't just nuke Gaza is because they'd be downwind.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/7942426/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/Q3FwZ