Title: Kotaku - Retro Studios Other Project (Seperate from Star Fox) May Be cancelled
Reason: User Banned (3 days): Going into a thread to insult a developer's body of work. Previous warnings and history of this behaviour.
Duh. When me and others pointed that out, the faithful were quick to dismiss our opinion. (just one of many examples) No gaming developer goes MIA for that long. As it stands right now, Retro is pretty much over. Their last game? A quick Donkey Kong title. Their recent game? A racing spin off of a half dead franchise. Their likely ambitious game a la Prime? Dev hell and eventually canceled. The actual Prime? Moved to another more competent (?) studio. Now go ahead and dismiss this post as drivel too. Sometimes reality hurts, but it is what is.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/7968183/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/OFCrf