Title: Rare adds private lobbies to Sea of Thieves, removes them 12 hours later
Reason: User Warned: Lazy dev argument
I was fire and flame, bought everything it had to offer, story books, art book, controller and now I haven't played it in a month. This company is a mess, why are they still working there? Hundreds of people and all that they can do is develop an empty shell of a game in 4 years, create a hand full of new clothes in 4 weeks and broken features that they have to remove. What the actual fuck are they doing all day? Specially the design part of that company? I know we had that topic a hundred times before, but like several people with a similar job on ERA already said, shouldn't they create and design stuff nonstop? And if, why aren't we getting at least 10 new cosmetic items in a week? What the heck are they doing all day in their 8 hours of daily work? Also the programmer. A company where I really have the feeling that they are actually working 8 hours a day is EPIC, cause they deliver every single week with huge patches and cosmetic stuff every few days. What a hopeless company.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/7970012/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/LMRg9