Title: Eurogamer: Leaks suggest Retro Studios making Star Fox racing spin-off (also heard by EG's sources)
Reason: Use Warned: “Lazy Dev” Rhetoric
I only have a problem when it’s stated that placing mechanics in the spotlight comes at the cost of creating entire new intellectual properties as they will search within their already existing catalog for those mechanics to exist. How do novel gameplay ideas preclude them from also coming up with new universes? Because Miyamoto speaks as if they’re incompatible. There’s a few reasons I can think of why they do this: 1) it’s more likely to be commercially successful when attached to well known properties. 2) as assets already exist, this saves them an incredible amount of work (which is why I used the word lazy). I’m hard-pressed to really consider Nintendo to be creatively bankrupt, but do believe them to be lazy, and if not lazy, it’s due to their extreme conservatism. I suspect this is a corporate decision, not a creative one. New IPs are huge expenditures and time investments. Why not shove many of their gameplay ideas into existing frameworks where much of the work has already been thought up and done?
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/7971917/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/NSbix