Title: Deadpool 2 features groundbreaking LGBTQ superhero storyline [SPOILERS]
Reason: User banned (one day): ignoring a modpost
Its not about being a spoilerphobe. Its that the movie is close to release and we have other avenues to discuss reviews and the like. Especially this close to release, there is no particular reason for a thread title to contain plot points/themes. Seriously. There is nothing to be gained by introducing the information in this manner. Its like with that Avengers thread the other day. As a community we have dedicated areas to discuss all aspects of the movie. What do you specifically gain by having that information the title where people can’t avoid it even if they wanted to?? Thats all. Its just basic consideration for others really.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/7986559/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/MGIGb