Title: Deadpool 2 features groundbreaking LGBTQ superhero storyline [SPOILERS]
Reason: User banned (a day): ignoring a modpost; thread derailment
I know I'll get yelled at from ppl saying "it isnt a spoiler!!!" but the title of this thread, for me at least, is a spoiler. Not a huge one but it is a spoiler. The movie isnt out for a couple of days for general audiences anywhere in the world yet and now I know there will be at least one prominent LGBTQ superhero taking center stage. Couldnt you wait until at least Saturday to post this shit? What would some of you feel if 2 days before The Last Jedi opened I would've posted a thread named "The feels of seeing a character from the OG trilogy back"? I dont care if Im called "part of the problem of spoiler culture" or some shit. This is shouldnt be happening, especially before the fucking movie is even out yet.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/7987958/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/ZN6Xd