published on

Gaia Lanzer (8003513)

Title: Man harassed Latina women for speaking Spanish in Manhattan, threatens to call ICE on them

Reason: User Warned: Please do not advocate physical confrontation on the site - no matter who they are.

When it comes to bigoted pieces of shit? Of course. Just like a good ol' sock to the face. Normally, we don't advocate violence, but when a Nazi's involved, by all means, knock the fucker OUT!!! These people DESERVE IT for the sole reasons that those who they hate don't deserve it. That is my view regarding bigoted pieces of shit. Those on the end of their hate, the innocent people just trying to live their lives, they don't deserve ANY of the shit they get, but these fuckers feel embolden and obligated to dish it out. Well, they want it, they'll GET IT. Cry me a river....

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