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Extreme Kiwami (8018884)

Title: Eurogamer: Leaks suggest Retro Studios making Star Fox racing spin-off (also heard by EG's sources)

Reason: User Warned: Thread derailment.

This isn't disrespectful in my opinion. Before I've gone the Freelancer way (and not writing about videogames anymore) I wrote for an Online Magazine here in Germany. The fact is the following, if you do have insider informations, it better be correct if you can't name a source in the first place. You have to land a hit like the guy who was right with the Final Fantasy VII Remake. Or the guy who spread the whole Final Fantasy XV Infos and the complete Story months before the game was released. If you make a big fuzz and it turned out to be crap, the editor do have a problem and a well known portal like Eurogamer should simply stay away from such stuff. They weren't correct with anything they "leaked" so far. So, why trust them anyomre? That's not how serious journalism works. You can be wrong one time. This sould be your warning sign that next time your informations will hit the spot.

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