Title: Man harassed Latina women for speaking Spanish in Manhattan, threatens to call ICE on them
Reason: User Banned (Permanent): Thread derailing, trolling, account still in the junior phase.
Lol I'm not lying. I'd prove it if she let's me record her saying it. I showed her the video and she said "hes a lawyer he prob knows its the law." Its actually a customer at work told me and the funny part is shes runs a day care center, to the one who said I'm at a daycare center, lmao. She told me she gets a headache when she goes to a Chinese place and they speak their language and she cant rest there while they do their hair or nails. And shes African American too so I thought it was the law. Idk bro. That's why I asked, niggas getting mad at me. Shieeeeet.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/8038538/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/KskIK