Title: Jordan Peterson Blames Violent Men on Women Not Marrying Them, says Enforced Monogamy is Incel Cure
Reason: User banned (duration pending): downplaying violent misogyny; sexism
Haha, yup. It's staggering that Incels don't do more to make themselves more worthy of the women they want. I wonder if pornography creates unfair standards for them while also subsisting their lonely lives. I didn't say otherwise. 1. How can you be so obtuse? That's clearly not why I linked the article. 2. Obviously. The consequences and concerns are similar, which is the point. I agree with your first statement, but let's not pretend that giving women more sexual agency hasn't led to more men being rejected by women. That's just a logical consequence of sexual liberation: if you go from not being able to choose your sexual partner to being able to choose your sexual partner, many men who would have had partners before will no longer be chosen. In a sense, men are losing a kind of sexual welfare system. Are you capable of generalizing information from one situation to another?
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/8067034/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/0mzSl