Title: Why was Black Panther so highly overrated??
Reason: User banned (1 week): racist trolling
Stereotypical black gangster character the way he acted and spoke. What specifics do you want the CGI was poor all of it especially the car chase. Andy serkis character was brilliant yet he barely made appearances . The accents were so bad especially Whitaker, Basset and Gurirar bad American attempts at anything that isn't American. On that note why get Martin Freeman to do an American accent he is so bad at it. One of the best main characters was Shuri yet she was stuck doing one liners on intercom. The whole ending with the other tribe showing up to save the day was so predictable it was lazy as fuck. All the praise this movie gets is because of Left Wing politically correct fake bullshit
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/8076586/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/5vjl3