Title: State of Decay 2 Review Thread
Reason: User warned: Insulting other posters
Ok I am not sure how to explain this to you since you clearly do not understand the English language. As I have repeatedly stated many times now, I don't expect games to be reviewed after every patch. , to provide a review of a game that is of what it will be , not what it was at a time prior to launch when they played it if it is not the final launch state. The Catch-22 here is the media has to be treated special and provided early access to review the game because if they do not they will throw a fit and write articles about how the bad game dev/pub won't let them have a copy early to review, case in point, again, is the reaction by the media to what Bethesda did. The shipped game is not in the state that some of these reviews experienced, therefore the reviews don't mean anything and should not have scores. Also of note, the devs potentially lost money on this based on potential metacritic aggregate bonuses. So to recap, the reviews are worthless because they do not reflect the launch state of the game, and they are harmful to the devs as they may lose income over this farse. As for updating reviews, Destiny gets a review for it's DLC but since Destiny is not the same today as it was at launch It should be updated on it's review score for the whole package that it is today. If a reviewer did the review for the DLC and the base game then it is not that much work to update the whole package. The Division has not been updated since the last major expansion but it is a different game from then and if some picked up a copy after ready the review they would not have a good idea of what that game is today. In these types of cases, and since these games are becoming more prevalent, the reviews should be updated. the reviews of Battlefront 2 talk about the micro-transactions that were tied to the game but are no longer in there. That is another example of a game that should have its review updated. I don't expect the updated review score to be better, just have the review reflect the game's state. This isn't rocket science, I am not trying to explain trig to a neanderthal but it definitely feels like it. EDIT: I am getting sick and tired of these warnings from "staff" for insulting a poster. Are you kidding me? the crap that has been said to me on here and I get a warning for this comment, this is a joke ResetEra and you need to fix it.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/8080284/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/4sElm