Title: The Thread For Site Questions That Don't Need Their Own Thread
Reason: The user was warned for this post. https://www.resetera.com/threads/a-word-about-neogaf.290/
I have some concerns with Reset. Please read this post with an open mind and I will try to be respectful. I signed up because not only the fact I see potential in the site, but also the fact that I have concerns and don't know any other way to express them besides signing up and asking so I can get my answers straight from the horses mouth. [---] I pray that my post was presented in the cleanest, most respectful manner possible. I am far too used to being banned for being me and it worries me that I even have to preface this with,"please don't ban me." Thank you for reading.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/80962/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/mHLh5