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GreenMonkey (8101247)

Title: Bill Maher has some harsh truths about the Mueller investigation

Reason: User Banned (1 Week): Trivializing transphobia.

Blacklisting everyone is that isn't 100% onboard with every left wing thing on Earth is part of how we got Trump. The entire point of his show is to bring on people with opposing viewpoints and talk with them. The antithesis of the liberal bubble problem. If you just rip into every Conservative guest, why would anyone ever show up? Not being an asshole to Milo and cracking some bathroom jokes doesn't make someone a prejudiced transphobic that should be boycotted, sorry. Maybe in your book that makes me a transphobic asshole too, in which case, block away, and enjoy your slightly more liberal than before bubble. TBH I don't actually know any trans people - but my Dad is a lifetime crossdresser, so I have plenty of empathy for them, I guess you could say.

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