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TheZodiacAge (8123697)

Title: What Can Microsoft Do To Win Back Customers Lost From Last Gen?

Reason: Member has been warned: "joke post" that is essentially console warrior rhetoric.

Consumer friendly.,....Xbox...hahahahah Biggest joke ever We really need a Gordon Ramsay for Gaming : Today i will look at what the 3 competitors have me to offer while 2 of them are mainly even competing for the same community! *music stuff* : So Sony this is your dish but before i dig in i have to praise you and how you handle your workers and the variety on your menu! We were amazed by your showings a lot in the past years and it shows you are a true master chef in your field with a lot of experience and love for your job!Can you outdo yourself? So this is your recent one right?Greek?OMG it tastes so violent but at the same time so full of love and its telling a story...It has the whole package and is well rounded...Bloody amazing.A Masterpiece! I'm really looking forward to your next one - I heard its something with spiders right?;) The side dishes are great - They could be better but this isn't about serving side dishes right?The main course and its variety is what drives customers to you! *Gordon moves over to Nintendo* : Absolutely amazing - This is art - You can feel the joy and love and feel like a kid again!Keep going - This is definitely your expertise and no one touches you here! And you can even take it with you without any problems....Just WOW! *Gordon moves over to Microsoft* : So you guys are pretty loud in recent years without showing so much to back that up.You are on the news like 3 times a week and especially this Phil Spencer dude can't shut up. Pretty soon you should show something interesting or you will get really annoying. Your recent showing was a pirate themed meal - You promised a lot and worked 4 years on it but the waters weren't really deep.You promised an amazing soup but in the end it was just empty water without any content in it! But you still didn't learn your place and claimed you will redefine everything with an AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA dish,as usual in the FUTURE,but so far its again just empty promises. Well,lets see what you have here.You call it Zombie Soup? OMG!Did you guys even look at that?Its full of bugs!How could you let this go out?Is it meant to be like that? You claim to be most consumer friendly chef but you just deliverd empty toilet water + bugsoup to me in a couple of months and as it seems to your customers too?How bloody dare you! *Phil Spencer storms in* BUT muh side dishes are so much better!

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