Title: Battlefield V key art leaked, yep it's WWII.
Reason: User Warned: Sexism
In active combat roles? As far as I can remember the US Army didn't even allow women in active frontline combat roles until a few years ago (while the Air Force, Navy and particularly the Marines did for a few decades already). Women are basically guaranteed to be included as part of the USSR (especially pilots and Recon/Sniper class) and probably as part of the French Resistance as well, which IMO is a more than adequate historically correct inclusion, just how they did it with BF1. As soon as someone goes down the "but Battlefield MP is so non-realistic already, so anything goes" rabbit hole you might as well argue for the inclusion of aliens or anthropomorphic animals (only somewhat less realistic than black women fighting for the Wehrmacht) as well.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/8208534/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/5owbU