Title: Kendrick Lamar calls out white fan for rapping n-word onstage with him at concert [Read OP]
Reason: User banned (duration pending): suggesting a racist term as a replacement, explicitly ignoring modpost
I would replace the word with jigga....or falafel. But mods- honestly, what is with the bans on the first few pages? Legit question; you're saying its in 'bad faith' but the comments say she's wrong for saying but Kendrick is silly for inviting her knowing full well that most of the words contain the n word. That surely is an argument to make no? Those bans seem really excessive to me but perhaps I'm missing the point. So non-black people in these concerts are going to have a really awkward time when they just have to just stop dead in the tracks every time the word is mentioned in these songs, which is a bit weird considering the gratuitous use of them in songs. I kind of assumed using jigga as a substitute was the best course of action as opposed to straight not saying anything- that just kills the flow of the song.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/8214202/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/JbTSZ