Title: Kendrick Lamar calls out white fan for rapping n-word onstage with him at concert [Read OP]
Reason: User Banned (1 Week): Inflammatory Derailment + Misrepresenting Moderation
Your viewpoint is exactly what I wrote as well as how I see it. But here- A poster said don't fucking say it and someone replied saying so listening is ok but saying it is not? He dosent listen to rap but wants to know how as a brown person he should approach such a song, Banned. Someone said if the song is filled with that word the singer should not have called a white person on stage in first place, Banned. Someone said she should not have said it and he should not have called her on a song which has the word multiple times, banned. This is just the first page. You feel a ban was good on them? If there is not much discussion to be had then why is this thread 16 pages? Surely people got stuff to discuss here. You can ask this and not get banned. That should answer it enough:)
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/8215532/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/lDTu1