Title: Lay It Omni: What REALLY Stops Women From Going Pro in Esports?
Reason: User banned (duration pending) - sexism
The average woman's reaction time is approx 100millisecond slower than the average male's (the gap is smaller among young healthy athletes in their prime but still of consequential value). In today's social climate it might not be politically correct to point this out - but the fact is that the way some competitive videogames work, people with faster reaction times will have a sizeable advantage. (esp in certain e-sports like counter-strike where reaction time to peeking corners/peeking players is to the millisecond) During the CGS, (the championship gaming series, no longer around), there was a reaction time test machine and the e-sports pros who tested on it almost always showed that the pro guy gamers would have about 80-150ms faster reaction time than the pro girl gamers. is one of the easier ones to read on this topic, as most of them use scientific jargon which isn't meant for public consumption. It would be great if everyone, no matter their sex, was 100% equal on biological footing so we didn't have to deal with these discrepancies - one possible solution would be a setup similar to the NBA/WNBA, have a 'everyone' league and a 'women' league (though money talks and it will only happen if some suit sees profit in it)
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/8219383/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/Wjh91