Title: Kendrick Lamar calls out white fan for rapping n-word onstage with him at concert [Read OP]
Reason: User banned (duration pending): explicitly ignoring modpost; hostility
The OP says nothing about Kenndrick regularly invites people who don't say the word. It says white people saying the work is not normal. I came to say that very thing, IN GOOD FAITH. Fuck moderation telling me I can't express my REAL opinion on this matter. I don't care if people have done it before and managed to self censor themselves. that means NOTHING. If you invite someone on stage to sing a song, they are going to SING THE SONG. How is this logic flawed? Hip-hop belongs to EVERYONE now. I've been fighting racism and discrimination in the deep South of the U.S. my entire life, and this reverse micro discrimination is only making things worse. This is OUR culture now, not black culture, not white culture. We are prejudice for suggesting that there should be two cultures, it's all part of the American experience. So is free speech. We should not say things to be hateful, or IN BAD FAITH, but it's bullshit when we start telling each other what we can express IN GOOD FAITH. This is how I feel about it and I'm not going to let myself be censored. I've only been banned once in all my time on all kinds of forums in the last 20 years, and I'll take a ban for this one, this is some BULLSHIT. Sad to see this happen here.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/8219446/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/MjSU4