Title: Tomi Lahren gets drink thrown at her; the President of the United States tweets out support
Reason: User banned (3 days): downplaying racist actions
Because some people have enough sense to see that this kind of "political discourse" is far more toxic than anything she's ever done. Go to one of her political events, call her a piece of shit there, actually it's preferable if you stay and debate without hurling FUCK YOU BITCH at her. Hell, go home and some of you guys with blue check marks can write up some essays in response to her tweets explaining why she's a piece of shit and I'm sure it'll get plenty of hearts. Just leave it out of a fucking resturant when she's with family Jesus Christ.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/8245978/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/J6WCH