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ultraBOOST (8345018)

Title: Jordan Peterson - The "Intellectual" We Deserve

Reason: User Banned (Duration Pending): Misrepresenting identity politics and calls for better representation, account still in junior phase.

I don't like how it puts individuals into groups and gives them value based off of their group identity. I think it's a dangerous philosophy because it gives people value based on immutable characteristics. A great example of this is this tweet by the DNC: I really don't care what color or sexual orientation a person is, I care about what policies they are advocating for and what their values are. And notice who's missing from the list - men, asians, and whites. Should we not elect more people from these groups? Should we value a black woman's politics over a white woman's politics simply because they are black? Why does the skin color of the individual matter when it comes to their views on healthcare, for example? I know I'm in the minority on this forum but I find this way of thinking to be the complete opposite of the philosophy MLK preached - judging individuals based on their character/values as opposed to their skin color/group identity

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