Title: Being hit by your parents as a punishment
Reason: User Banned (3 Days): Advocating Violence + Inflammatory Generalizations
My dad destroyed me with this. Fuck that wall. Basically, a lot of people have never been checked and think their shit don't stink. And if its improper for a parent to do it, best believe someone else will down the line. Its beyond the hitting imo. Grounding them, taking the phone away, and time outs didn't stop these kids from becoming shitbirds nazis... So these "good parents who don't hit kids" we're referring to still failed somewhere. Im not pressed to hit kids, its just dumb to see y'all act like those who have got spanked are mentally damaged or some shit.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/8348390/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/DCGKG