Title: Three men implicated in fatal Kansas swatting now face federal charges
Reason: User Warned: Inflammatory Derailment
Hey America, how do you you feel? No really, how are you guys and girls? Over here in continental europe, we are great. Been to the gun range this week, been shooting an AK 47. Not mine, not gonna brag. We have it in the community. Love the big rounds that might be just a bit too high caliber for me, a western 5,56 like the M16 would be just right if I was honest. You know what we did not have this week? Or this year? School shootings. Feeling great. Swating. None, awesome right there for an ENTIRE CONTINENT. Here - SPECIFICALLY - in eastern europe you go for lunch in your favorite pizza place and two police officers also frequent the place. Do you know what they bring and drop on their table? Their AK 47, police weapon of choice. Not kidding. Guess what they never fired in an actual situation their whole live. That's right, won't spoil the thing for you. Honest to god america. Fix this.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/8348784/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/h97lo