Title: Ludiscere - Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Sexualisation: A Case Study
Reason: User Warned: Absolving character designers of criticism. Disingenuous argument.
I did *not* mean the character designers. I mean players who look at these characters and problematically assume that "T&A" is all they are and all they are meant to be. That design theory may or may not apply to some of the awkwardly designed Rare Blades who have less developed personalities, but it does not apply to the main characters. Also I find the premise that the original designer can sexualize an original character questionable. If it's an established character such as Zelda or Peach who was not showing skin or given disproportionate curves to begin with, and then they receive them in a later design, sure that's sexualizing. But these are the final, original designs. Nobody sexualized them. The design as is is how they were designed to be. You can argue the series became sexualized compared to a previous entry, but not the new characters. Edit: was mistaken about one of the primary art designers being a woman.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/8358383/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/oD9GG