Title: Pewdiepie Is Teaching His Audience that Women Are Asking For It - Motherboard
Reason: User Banned (1 Week): Sexism.
This is blown out of proportion in the dumbest way, it is apparent when you watch the video that he is only defending himself from someone who seems to enjoy copyright claiming people's content at will. And the examples he's using was in reference to the abuse she's getting but the fact that's she's an example of a streamer that uses her body to bring attention to her streams. He was commenting on her being appalled at being seen as something sexual, when that's literally her brand. The type that make being a female streamer on Twitch harder. You wanna talk about influencing impressionable kids, I can assure you that her audience isn't getting the right kind either.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/8373369/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/oGnEV