Title: It's Time To Cut Trump Supporters Out Of Your Life
Reason: User Banned (Permanent): Advocating bullying, denying other people's humanity, long history of infractions.
Wrong. It’s become more and more clear that functionally the deplorables are the same as any Alt-right neonazis. The more interesting question would be why does someone who is willing to do deplorable things like support a pedophile like Roy Moore, just to hate minorities and LGBTQ, deserve to have their human rights acknowledged? I can understand that with the shitstorm that was 2016 there were some people that genuinely did not want to support the fascism when they voted for Trump. Some were just tricked by all the antiHillary propaganda. Some were just layman voters who knew next to nothing about politics and were told by their deplorable friends to vote for Trump. But Trump SUPPORTERS?!? Fuck them. I had a Trump supporter for a former boss. He was the kind of scumbag that would listen to talk radio and look for any reason to defend anything about Trump. At first it was me just debating him but by month 12 of arguing with him I literally told him that I was glad his wife died and that if he’s willing to use excuses like “locker room talk” then he, as I explicitly used the words, “deserve to be slaughtered”. I still don’t regret those words because frankly a guy like that doesn’t deserve to be allowed to vote. Trump SUPPORTERS are subhuman scum that don’t give a shit about anything except hating the groups they hate. They don’t care about fiscal policy. They don’t care about religious morality. They just care about feeding their hatred and enacting harm on the groups they hate by ANY means they can. In that sense yes they are fucking fascists and they deserve to be stomped out just like any other fascists. I see no reason why these people should have their humanity respected when they have shown time and time again that they have zero respect for the humanity of others. And I don’t just mean during the age of Trump. Even pre-Trump they showed they had no respect for the humanity of others. Whether it be their support of Rush Limbaugh slut shaming Sandra Fluke, or their telling rape victims that they should consider pregnancy a gift, or their accusations of Trayvon Martin as a drug using thug and claiming that he deserved to be shot, or their demand that LGBTQ people be treated like alcoholics, or their claim that Muslims shouldn’t be allowed to have a site for prayer anywhere considered too “close” to ground zero, or their baseless claims that Obama was not a real American. And let’s not forget that the vast majority of terrorist attacks happening in America are being committed by Trump supporters. Because of course these subhuman scum would be willing to start committing terrorist attacks. Since everyone else just tries to either kindly ask them to stop being mean, or outright supports the deplorable things they say, it was inevitable that they would decide they could get away with terrorism. Cutting off Trump supporters from your life is not enough. You should be trying to ruin the life of any Trump supporter you know. Torment them, belittle them, bully them, do whatever it takes to let them know that if they don’t knock it fuck off, there will be severe consequences.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/8382945/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/Y12lP