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Django (8399174)

Title: The Girl With Big Breasts: On The Sexualization Of Lara Croft [link in OP]

Reason: User Banned (Duration Pending): Pushing false equivalences to shut down criticism of sexualization of female characters, history of similar behavior.

Yeah that's where you are wrong. Man being constantly portrayed as beefy shirtless hunks and women being portrayed as dressed in tight fitting clothes. It's always been equal, it's always been spot on equal. A lot of folk will claim that beefy men is a "power fantasy" but they are missing the major point that all games are a power fantasy. Evenega Man is a power fantasy. The look of characters stems from how society views ideal men and women. Men being big brawny buggers and women being voluptuous vixens. That isn't a power fantasy, it's a societal fantasy. Men and women are both victims of idealization here. Tell you what, you show me an example of a sexualized woman in gamimg and I'll find you 2 from the same year with sexualized men. I've had enough if this "false equivalency" rubbish. Both sexes are forced to endure inaccurate depictions of themselves within fiction. This has always been the case. And it's not a male power's basic human idealism at play. Demanding perfection in equal measure from both sides. I certainly have no interest in looking like conan, and I'm quite sure I'm not alone in that. So the power fantasy theory kind of falls apart right there. Sorry.

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