Title: Ludiscere - Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Sexualisation: A Case Study
Reason: User Banned (3 Days): Misrepresenting arguments as gendered shaming and virtue signaling
here's some dot points 1. I never said the criticism was invalid. I said it was disproportional and often misdirected. 2. My bringing up fashion was to show that the majority of criticism wasn't about trend following but rather targeted at specific characters. ie "Jin is just as unoriginal as pyra yet gets a percentage of the criticism that pales to Pyra/Dhalia" 3. Your post about "I thought it was stupid as a child" reeks of selfishness and a complete lack of empathy. Yes some people are followers. to attempt to destroy something via criticism due to the circumstance of its existence rather then interacting with its merits is a shallow and conceited attitude. 4. Most criticism is of Pyra is more interested in slut shaming and virtue signaling then it is actually doing anything intelligent. It has taken the overepresentation of certain body types within the medium and somehow gotten to the point where it has invalidated a body type by saying is lesser and only exists for male pleasure. that attitude is toxic bullshit and it's spread to the point where people coming into these threads can't accept a beautiful woman as a beautiful woman due to a poor fashion choice. 5. the male gaze is insatiable and doesnt discriminate between body types or clothing. Any beautiful person has an innate sex appeal. To the male gaze it wouldn't matter if Pyra had an A cup or a M cup. If she was beautiful she would be sexualized. Its right to criticize that.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/8410569/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/juGHs