Title: Wkd Box Office - 5•25-27•18 - $103M 4-day for Solo. Same Star Wars taste. Now with zero profits!
Reason: User banned (3 days): antagonizing posters consistently over movie opinions, ignoring modposts
I don't know why people are getting on me for wanting JJ to off Rose. To me death is a way bigger honor, than being written off in an anti-climactic way like Jar-Jar was. Let me ask you people. Would you rather be written off by being "promoted", or would you rather end up in the Watchmojo.com top 10 list for best Star Wars character deaths? I know I want to be there with Porkins in the top 5.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/8448738/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/hTDi7