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Jebusman (8460491)

Title: Ars Technica: Game companies need to cut the crap—loot boxes are obviously gambling

Reason: User Warned: Hostility toward another user

If you're not willing to engage with someone because they wrote the word fuck you don't seem very confident in your ability to argue your position. Again, dismissing gambling addiction makes you a piece of shit. I'm not mincing words here, it fucking ruins people. And casinos would ruin them further if they weren't forced to at least make the token effort to inform and offer every opportunity to their clientele to stop themselves. The fact that devs/publishers are unwilling to do even the most basic things tells me they understand just exactly how badly they're exploiting customers and don't want the gravy train to end. Lootboxes should earn you an automatic M from the ESRB, and at the very least should be breaking down percentages/odds in a clearly visible manner.

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