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Captain_Raoul (8460849)

Title: New Star Citizen ship pack unlocks nearly every vessel in the game for $27,000

Reason: User Banned (2 Days): Derogatory Language + Inflammatory Generalizations

All ships have interior in the game, but not all function are already implemented. Look at my Flickr album for ships and vehicles to see their interior: I think i've already said enough like other SC fans, but trolls will always stay trolls, no mather what we say you guy only repeating the same shit from years ago. It really is sad to see that some really trying to hard to hate, like they are just insecure with their own lives. If you can't stand people having a certain passion for something, then what do you have to look for here? So why would you make a topic about it? Really a bunch of fucking retards in this thread.

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