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Sniffynose (8463154)

Title: Why does God of War look likely to succeed sales wise while Wolfenstein 2 mega bombed?

Reason: User Banned (2 Days): Unironic use of the pejorative "SJW"

I loved wolfenstien, wolfenstien II however was a clusterfuck of SJW shit to the extreme to the point where the whole fucking game was just a giant cutscene of various political tropes surrounded by some of the worst level design imaginable. How they went from the first having a believable story to the second shitshow is beyond me. GoW had me story wise until a certain someone turned egomaniac and the ending pissed off my friends and I because like usual they gotta pander all these revelations for the inevitable sequel. It was however a fantastic reboot to the series. Wolf got so god damn cringe worthy it was just in eye rolling territory.

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