Title: Japan whaling kills 122 pregnant whales for ‘research’
Reason: User Banned (2 Days): Thread whining, inflammatory post. History of similar behaviour.
...And? Besides trawling for outrage, what's the point in posting this exactly? I mean yes, we get it, whales are fairly intelligent and people don't like hearing about them getting killed, it's not great. But Minke whales are not endangered, and nobody except vegans is getting upset over octopi being killed, which are also pretty intelligent creatures. We all know the "scientific research" aspect is very questionable, as well. But I just can't see any reason for pointing out the part where some of the whales were pregnant as some kind of nutty whale-pro-life advocacy or something.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/8465448/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/h2v8f