Title: Pokemon for Nintendo Switch Speculation Thread 3 | New updates in the OP!
Reason: User banned (permanently): troll account.
Hey guys, I know you're reaching your boiling points and are very desperate for information. I'm here to give you guys some! You guys don't know me, but I'm actually a custodian at Gamefreak's offices. Between JO sessions after hours, sometimes I go and check out what they're working on. Just yesterday, I logged in to Yuki Fukishimi Nagasaki's PC and saw that the game's titles are indeed correct. They are called Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee. I also found out that they are the only two pokemon in the game. You basically just catch a bunch of Pikachus and Eevees with different goofy outfits on. Some are black, white, asian, hispanic, etc. There are even trans pokemon. This is why a lot of leakers are saying it will be very divisive and mixed when it comes to reactions. It will only be on mobile and is replacing GO, and you have to have a Windows phone to play it for the first year because of timed exclusivity. I hope this tides you guys over until tomorrow when the big blowout is!
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/8482373/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/BHFRw