Title: [Update] Crackdown 3 not cancelled, "team continues to work hard on the game"
Reason: User Warned: Hostility
Is that what pathetic fanboys are reduced to these days? "My console's exclusives are watched more than yours, so mine is better" Fucking pathetic in every sense of the word. If you're going to use twitch views as a metric, bad news, kid, most of your precious exclusives are now "dead". Seriously. After the shit I've read on era today - this thread, the Xbox Ambassador thread - I'm disgusted to share this platform with some of the man-babys that hold a raging hard on for their favourite company. Get. A. Fucking. Grip.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/8543782/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/BcTDx