Title: Cory Barlog addresses the lack of boss fights in GOW
Reason: User Banned (24 Hours): System warring.
Not just them, but every major Playstation first party. I think Playstation fans have reached the point where they'll treat those studios as something special even if they aren't. They're reaching Nintendo EAD status, basically. But I would suggest that Playstation is even worse about this, because you get situations where you have people pretending that GOW 2018 has the best combat out of any game ever. Plenty of people blindly defended The Last Guardian in spite of all of its problems because the same people made SOTC, which was a masterpiece. I think the blind devotion to studios is a major problem among game critics.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/8562335/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/vxUwX