Title: People didn't get bored of Star Fox. The games just weren't good enough.
Reason: User Warned: Threadwhining
We do not need topics like this. Star Fox Adventures makes sense as a Star Fox game because Dinosaur Planet was basically a Star Fox spinoff without the name. You say "to the game's detriment" but Dinosaur Planet probably would never have released at all otherwise. Star Fox Zero is literally the best game in the series. It was not rushed and does not control even poorly. "Hardcore gamers" just hate the idea of motion controls, and those people are not at all interesting. People need to stop being disingenuous and realize that Zero has a hate train against it started by people who repeatedly state that they never cared for the Star Fox series. All the people in this thread going "I want a pure Star Fox" are completely overlooking that Zero is as pure as you will ever get. It was a ridiculous passion project that doesn't make sense and was rightly proven as such when slept on it. Star Fox doesn't work as a full-priced title anymore because people don't value actual gameplay anymore. The word has been to refer to superfluous garbage that wastes the developer's time and the player's time. Assault is a really good game, by the way. You know F-Zero GX sold really bad, right? Explain that shit. Like, this shit infuriates me: Translation: "I have no idea what Star Fox is and I need Nintendo to redefine it for me." I will always and forever blame people for hating motion controls because it's such a stupid thing to hate. It's like whining about the battery life of the Game Gear with zero understanding of what those batteries are trying to power, something really stupid like that.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/8569236/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/glcex