Title: Trump sent a retired teacher a letter about gun policy. She fixed the grammar and sent it back.
Reason: User warned for trolling
Cringiest anti-Trump article and thread I've seen in a while. OOOOOOOHHHH SNAPPPPP A 60 YEAR OLD SCRIBBLED ON A WHITE HOUSE FORM LETTER AND POSTED IT TO TWITTER The state of America is so sad. The left and the right just can't wait to take meaningless jabs at each other, all day long. And for some reason a half-respectable media outlet like the Chicago Tribune is getting into this clickbait reporting? Oh, but wait, if I'm critical of an article against Trump, then that means I pro-Trump! Dogpile away, kids!
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/8643975/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/TBxjA