Title: Nintendo Investors Seek Answers After `Shocking' Share Drop
Reason: User Warned: Hostility and antagonizing another members
I don't think Nintendo cares how much and what you like. Golden ages don't predicate on random commenters' opinions. Every game on the Switch, including the Switch, and third party titles that usually don't sell, are selling. The SNES sold less than the NES and Wii, and the Switch will easily outsell it, and on top of that it's outpacing where the PS4 and definitely the Xbox One were in the same period, but obviously Nintendo is vying for those golden days because Dr. Dre's Dr. liked over , obviously. EDIT: Wait, the fucking SNES? Really? You think the period where they got real, tangible competition in the form of SEGA, and outright lost the console war in some regions, is where they had a "market golden age"? ? The fucking ported Wii U games sold hand-over-fist better than the original Wii U games, some like already multi-million sellers. And I guess , the aforementioned , , , , ( and the new game), , , and all stopped existing because...? It's cute that you think your personal opinion seriously impacts Nintendo's money, but, don't worry, it doesn't. That's only because the best selling game on the Wii was packaged on the Wii. And the next best one was a game and a games. You claim that does better than but outside one example they never have. And if itself can outsell every other in two fucking months, then why would you possibly think that would do any ?
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/8693346/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/IcDYO