Title: Kelly Marie Tran has deleted her Instagram posts due harassment she has received after The Last Jedi
Reason: User banned (3 days): inflammatory comparisons. Star Wars fans are not like protected identities or oppressed minorities.
You are 100% correct but you are also fighting a losing battle there. Look, if you saw someone who is the same race or nationality as me committed a terrible crime and you came to me saying something like "I see one of yours is in trouble again" I'd be so angry. I'd be annoyed that you want to use my nationality or race against me and I'd be mad that you want to shame me for something that someone else has done. Problem is that SO MANY people want to do stuff like that. A ridiculous number of people just can't keep themselves away from that kind of thing. In 2018 we've got to a stage where public expressions of racism are frowned upon but it doesn't matter because so many people still hold those views. They just don't express them. So they look for other ways to do things. Are you a Star Wars fan? I am. "Oh, I see one of yours was harassing women on the Internet". As if it's MY problem. As if I'm somehow responsible. As if I have some connection to the people doing this sh!t other than "we kind of like the same things, maybe". You can probably see it with football fans in the UK. If there's a 10 person fight at a Liverpool match with 50k+ plus people in attendance you'll get Manchester United fans saying "see Liverpool supporters are violent scumbags who can't behave at a football match". It's not racism or anything serious like that but it has similar roots. There's "Us" and there's "Them" and we're more than happy to find the absolute worst of "Them" with the goal of using it as a stick to beat the normal ones. There's a certain type of person who is ALWAYS looking for someone to bully but their bullying takes the form of trying to associate decent people with terrible people based on some arbitrary commonality. I would say that NOBODY on Reset Era is even remotely in favor or in support of what these trolls have done but you STILL have people in these threads implying that Reset Era is full of people who are just A-OK with this kind of racism and harassment. The people doing this “Star Wars fans are the worst” thing would have been your everyday racists back in the day. They've just found a way to engage in the same behavior but the stakes are much, much, lower so it's kind of seen as acceptable. Luckily for everyone it's not a big deal as who REALLY gives a crap about Star Wars fandom anyway. So even when we have an example of legitimate racism focusing itself on this young lady there are people who just use that as an excuse to target "Star Wars Fans". You think the;s people give a crap about Kelly Marie Tran? They don't. They are just f*cking delighted to have a stick to beat "fandom" with. Post # 4 was "Embarrassing and disgusting. Fans are always the worst part of anything". Post # 5 was "The Star Wars fandom really is the worst in existence." These folks don't care about the issue. They just can't wait to bash someone who doesn't deserve it. Sure, you can point out that these trolls are total pricks and awful human beings and you can feel legitimate bad about what they have put her through. For me the two most obvious reactions here are to condemn the trolls and to feel sympathy for the victim and to feel outrage about what they've done. Within 30 minutes or so of the OP going up we have jumped on to "Star Wars Fans are the worst" though so you have to wonder what some people are thinking. If folks are not going to condemn the specific people doing this and they're not going to express sympathy for the victim but they ARE going to try and associate regular folks with a problem they neither created nor supported then what the hell is going on there?
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/8779639/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/fylZX