Title: How confident are you that Nintendo will reach their 20 million target for Switch this year?
Reason: User Warned: Lazy dev rhetoric.
In US, Switch was 39% down in April 2018 than in April 2017. In Japan, Switch was 11% down in April/May 2018 than April/May 2017. And Switch had Splatoon 2 in July 2017. Pokemon Go helped Pokemon Sun/Moon to sell well, but Sun/Moon was a new game, not a lazy remake. Sony tried to do it with Playlink (I don't know if it works, but Playlink games are awesome). And PlayStation 4 pull a new public, who not own a console last gen, since day one.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/8863840/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/Si7t0