Title: When Someone Says Canada doesn't have a Racist Problem They're Full of Shit
Reason: User Banned (Duration Pending): Downplaying racism. History of similar behaviour.
Canada is literally, , the birthplace of multiculturalism Will Kymlicka amonst many others. We are the only nation on Earth to have laws in place for secession. Quebec itself since its the topic here was founded on the relationship between the french Samuel Champlain and his alliance with the Huron, he even adopted 3 aboriginal children. Canada recognizes it is made of, this is Kymlicka jargon, 3 national groups, anglos, francos, and the aboriginal. I live in a backwards ass town filled with racism, but politely fuck off with saying the whole nation has a problem with racism. I work hard on studying multiculturalism, and am proud of how well the state has over time better managed its minority groups through the use of multicultural scholarship.
Link: https://www.resetera.com/posts/8881757/
Archive.is (legacy): https://archive.is/k7bys